Services we Offer

By using a pull-through strategy within the organisation, and adopting a method of “good, better, best” in relation to our product supply, we are able to give our customers the option of choosing a product that best suits their needs and, more importantly, their budgets.
We source finished products from Europe, Asia, and America, and align ourselves with key, strategic partners throughout the world who have the ability to deliver the services, products, and pricing that our customers expect from us.

Value Added Client Services
Training staff – both in the field and in formal training facilities

Bulldog Logistics
Bulldog Abrasives (Pty) Ltd handles over 500 deliveries within Gauteng and surrounds daily. We have a fleet of over 20 vehicles servicing our local customers, while all national deliveries are executed daily by our national logistics partner, DCB Logistics. Deliveries are made to all major areas as well as all our outlying centres, ensuring we meet our customers’ service expectations.

We have been operating from the current bulk warehousing facility since the end of 2006. With over 5000 m2 of storage space, the facility is more than suitable for the warehousing of all our products. Other services located at the Andries street premises include the conversion plant, inbound and outbound dispatch areas, administration offices, sales, and the training academy.

Technical Sales
All of our sales staff undergo constant, in-depth training on all products and their attributes. Seminars are held bi-annually which give our suppliers the opportunity to spend two weeks on the road, and in the training centre, up-skilling the team on existing, revised, and new products.

Training Centre
Our training and development centre is one of a kind in our industry in Africa. It has been established primarily to equip unskilled labourers with skills to enable them to seek employment in any of the automotive, industrial, woodworking, or DIY industries. The centre provides them with a real opportunity to find gainful employment and contribute to the Southern African economy.