Crowned-Face Pick and Finish Hammer


The Sykes Pickavant Crowned-Face Pick and Finish Hammer is a high-quality cast alloy steel head with hardened striking surfaces that feature fine quality octagonal wooden shafts.
The wood and steel wedge handles provide maximum head retention with improved safety, while the tapered heads allow the shaft to expand into the head and are secured with a double wedge.

Crowned Faced Hammers

Crowned-faced hammers are used for the same general purposes as flat-faced hammers but are less likely to cause a crease in sheet metal. However, the crowned face does produce more marked stretching around the impact area.

The lightweight, crowned face panel beater is suitable for applying measured force around light damage or on thinner gauge metal.

Part NoDescriptionMin Qty
56600Crowned-Face Pick and Finish Hammer1
Round face=38mm

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